6 décembre 2020

Folio #26 : The Virgin Mine

Nouveau Kickstarter pour Art Of The Genre, avec le 26ème module de sa gamme Folio. La couverture, toujours aussi réussie, renferme la première partie d'un méga-donjon qui en comptera six au total. Prévue pour des personnages de 1er niveau, cette aventure est compatible avec AD&D et la 5ème édition de D&D.

Join the adventure as Art of the Genre creates its first new mega-dungeon in over three years! This first part of a six phase mega-campaign is based around 1st level characters in a completely revolutionary setting. I've specially designed the dungeon to breath life into those adventuring levels while allowing the DM the ability to create incredible story arcs with old favorite monsters like goblins, rats, and even early fantasy RPG video game monsters like creeping coins and bushwackers! 
The Virgin Mine setting revolves around an adventuring company moving into the wild jungles ruins around the Imperial Capital city of Nextyaria. Here, they will match wits against other treasure-seeking adventuring companies as well as the intelligent dungeon that hosts relic treasures with nearly unlimited power. 
Folio #26 will introduce characters to the setting, the mysterious and ancient The Rat Dungeon, as well as the other companies who seek their fortunes in the jungle. New rules for character play complicate the dungeon crawl, and threats of marauding bandits and other companies looking for quick profit by ambush also threaten the party. Unlike normal dungeons, this one carries various mysteries, and strategy will need to be employed as the party learns the ropes within the first level of the Virgin Mine. Dungeon details include 2D standard hex maps as well as fully 3D renderings of The Rat Dungeon section of The Virgin Mine. A gazetteer section will give background on the new rules and the exterior camps and companies. Several new monsters lurk within as well as new magical treasure. It also features a fully removable stand-alone cover in perfect OSR tradition!

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