11 mars 2021


Greg Gillespie, acteur incontournable de la sphère OSR et auteur de BarrowmazeThe Forbidden Caverns of the Archaia et HighFell - The Drifting Dungeon, revient sur Kickstarter avec Dwarrowdeep. un mega-donjon compatible avec les règles de Labyrinth Lord et la 5ème Edition.
Près de 300 pages d'aventure dans la plus pure tradition du dungeon crawl et des mois (des années ?) de jeu en perspective.

For generations the dwarves of the Northern Reaches lived secure in their great mountain fortress, Gundgathol. They built a vast city and mined the earth for its wealth. The dwarves, led by House Stoneborn and taught by their god Thaneduhr, forged artifacts and weapons of unparalleled craftsmanship. Under the mountains they grew and flourished. The dwarves befriended the first humans to settle the region and trade allowed both races to prosper.

In time, Gundgathol came under siege - not from above, but from below. The duergar, or gray dwarves, in a coordinated attack, infiltrated the city from deep subterranean tunnels. Jealous of the mountain dwarves' wealth, the duergar and their dark allies pushed House Stoneborn out of their ancestral home. The remaining dwarves retreated to the human settlement of Hamelet and vowed their revenge. In the centuries that followed, the dwarves sent warbands into the mountains, but only a handful returned. Those who did told tales of great sorrow. The majesty and grandeur of the city, the cradle of dwarven civilization, was now a bleak, half-drowned dungeon overrun with evil monsters. Today, only the dwarves refer to their sacred homeland as Gundgathol. The people of the Northern Reaches simply call it --- Dwarrowdeep.

Some say there is more to this story than meets the eye. Some say House Stoneborn keeps a dark secret known only to the dwarves...

Are you brave (or foolish) enough to explore the long dark of Dwarrowdeep? 

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